Dear Chioma: ASUU strike;a blessing or a curse?

Dear Chioma, don't throw banana peels into your future.

Reply to your question: Is ASUU strike a curse or a blessing?

When my phone beeped and I saw your message with this question I was happy, if not for anything else, for the fact that you are beginning to ask sincere and deliberate questions.

Without taken much of your time, I'll quickly say that this ASUU strike is neither a blessing nor a curse, it is you who can define and decide what it is.

Pardon my digress. When God created you and I, He deliberately didn't make us robots 😂, I know you are laughing now, stop it, I'll stop writing o. Had it been He did that then there would be no problems at all on earth. Robots lack freewill but God gave it to us. In fact lemme wow you, you were not born a winner nor a looser, you were born a chooser.

So what I'm saying in essence is that, this ASUU strike could be either a blessing or a curse depending on the decisions and choices you make now. I hope you don't expect me to start writing do's and don'ts here again for you. Read my first letter to you for that information. But in this letter I'll rather talk about the issue of choice and how it can build or destroy lives with, as much as it is in my power, practical examples.

Man is actually the products of many choices, chiefly, his own choices. This is so because of the freewill I initially spoke about. If you decide to start smoking today, in less down two decades you'll go down with emotional issues, health issues and social issues among others. But if you choose not to then there would be nothing like that in your tomorrow.

If you decide today to give in to the advances of those boys on your street, who all they care about is your waistline and nothing more immediately after gaining access to it, you would, in no less than a year or two, have committed innumerable abortions, you would have lost focus, drive and direction in life. On the other hand let's imagine you don't do that, you will surely walk successfully through life.

Let's also imagine you refused to believe in Jesus Christ as your lord and personal Savior, the devil would still have some bragging rights over you. But you made a choice to ditch him and now you are free from his chains. All it took was only a choice.

Finally my dear, don't throw banana peels into your future by making wrong choices now that you are young for later you'll be forced to step on them and slip off into pain and suffering and sorrow and regret.

Do you remember Esau? He made a wrong choice at a young age and when he woke up to the consequences of that choice it was too late already. Don't be like him.

Do you remember Lot's wife? She made a wrong choice of looking back into the world and she lost herself. Don't be like her.

Do you remember Joseph? He chose not to sin before God and man and the Lord lifted him. Copy that!

Daniel and his three friends are another example for you and I to emulate.

So my dear, don't give in to wrong choices today. You'll only end up casting banana peels into your tomorrow.

And until we correspond again, be a good girl.


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