Characteristics of Godly men

LET US BE REAL MEN OF GOD! We love Jesus Christ.  We reverence the Lord and we hate sin. We live holy.  We don't mess around with porn. We are open and honest. We love to stand up for the Truth.  We work hard.  We pursue righteousness. We are godly leaders at home.  We reach out to the lost.  We set a godly example for others to follow.
Thank the Lord for godly men, but many families are falling apart today for lack of godly men.
A lot of men attend church and may be involved in church activities and go through their 'religious routine' and have an 'outward show of godliness' but its just a mask they wear that comes off after they leave church.
Jesus said "They praise Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me."(Matthew 15:8)
Men what are you like at home, at work and what are you like around friends? What do you talk about and your conduct, does it please the Lord? Your conversation tells others who you are on the inside. 
Do you hunger daily for the Word? Do you worship Jesus from your heart?
Do you in humility serve others? What is your real passion in life? Are you just going through the motions? Does Jesus define your life? Is your faith dead and fake and void of good works?

1.Real born again men have a zeal for Jesus and they are zealous for good works.(Titus 2:14)
2.Godly men live for God’s glory by trusting Jesus and following Him.Their aim is to please God above all things. (1st Corinthians 10:31, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, Luke 9:23, Col.1:10)
3.Godly men respect others. (Matthew 22:36-40, Matthew 7:12, Philippians 2:3-4) Treat others the way you would want to be treated, for this is the law and the prophets.
4.Godly men always tell the truth. They are honest and sincere in their relationships. Honesty creates trust and trust is the foundation of all relationships. God wants us to be completely honest all the time everyday of the week with all people. (Psalms 15:1-2, Exodus 20:16)
5.Godly men don’t whine and complain. (Philippians 2:14)
6.Godly men have big hearts and work hard at whatever they do.They are not lazy.(Col. 3:17, 23)
7.Godly men manage the money God gives and they are generous toward others. They are givers not takers. They are not greedy. (Luke 12:13-34, Luke 14:12-15, 2 Corinthians 8-9)
8.Godly men finish what they start, even when life is hard. They endure and are not quitters.
(John 19:30, 1st Timothy 4:7-8) Jesus is our example and we are never more like Him than when we follow His example in persevering.
9.Godly men respect women and treat them with love, honor and dignity.They are gentlemen and not abusive toward women.
10.Godly men pursue godliness and flee sexual immorality.  They have the holy fear of God in their lives. (Prov.3:7, Prov.8:13, 1st Cor.6:18,1st Thess.4:3-8)


Brother David C.Cooke


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