Basic tips for a productive and Impactful 2019.

I hope It's not too late to post this, I wanted everyone else to be done posting their do's and dont's for the new year so I could learn a thing or two.

1. Wake up early

(please check the time range referred to as early morning) and have a quiet time alone with yourself and with your God.

Be mindful of the environment you're in if you live or stay with your parents and your family is the type that practice morning devotions, you might have to wake up a bit earlier than normal and this invariably means going to bed early. Because immediately after morning devotions daily chores and activities kicks in and you might not have the opportunity to go back to your bed for your 'alone' times. So read your environment.

2. Get a working email address.
It's not news again that the world has gone digital. Robots are replacing human beings in various occupations of life.

These days most companies ask for your facebook page name, twitter handle or Instagram username just to make sure that the person they're about to employ is still sane. 😂

A lot of young people don't know the difference between Email, Gmail and Yahoo mail. You need a working email address. Emphasis on working.

 Don't tell me how many times you've created it and forgotten your password.

You're in the University and you don't yet have a working email address? Wow!

It's free just create one and write down the details, memories it.
I can help you create one if you want.

3. Pay for knowledge.
The Bible says buy the truth and sell it not. Emphasis on the buy.
It must not necessarily be money, it could be sleep, your ego, your comfort, etc. Just give it away and acquire knowledge.

 Be deliberate about your development.
 Buy books.
PDF is good, but nothing like the smell of new books. Nothing.
Buy at least 12 books this year.(I did this in 2017, it's very possible)
One for each month if you can. It's not easy but grace is sufficient.

4. Follow Christian thought leaders and influencers on social media.

Especially Instagram and Twitter, except you are friends with them on Facebook, which will enable you to see their post organically on your timeline if not it'll be a little bit difficult to see their posts often on your timeline.

Why should you follow them? Basically, because they have a balanced point of view, at least the ones I follow do.

5. Leave noisy and focusless groups, blogs, forums and circles.

Some people will not overcome an addiction until the leave some groups or unfollow some pages. This happened to me personally.

Leave friends that don't add value to you if you know their influence can corrupt you.

 You need your sanity biko.

6. Get or follow a mentor.

 Especially for the field you feel God calling you into.
This could be separate from your spiritual father, pastor or discipler.

Get someone that would hold you accountable financially too.
Accountability cannot be overemphasized.

7. If you feel God calling you to business.

 I'll suggest you follow Strive Masiyiwa on facebook, join 'Headstart Africa' facebook group, follow Naija start-ups on Instagram and many other accounts that will bless you.

 Do you feel God calling you into something else?
I could help by referring to you a trusted person in that field. (let's talk about it)

8. Be deliberate about savings and investment.

Most of you reading this would have kids in less than 5yrs, that's if you don't have already.
Babies are expensive, please save and invest now. Don't bring someone you didn't plan for into the world, that person will give you troubles you didn't plan for.

9. Be deliberate about your health.

(You need your body for dominion on earth)
use mosquito nets if you can't afford insecticide. Eat fruits.

Cut down on junks my dear brethren. Especially Carbonated drinks like coke, and fast foods like noodles. Alcohol is obviously a no, no if you are spirit filled

Fast regularly, research proves it detoxifies the body and brightens the skin.

10. Go on retreats or set apart.

It's easier if you belong to a fellowship in school, join one today.

If you have the grace go for personal set apart. Keep your phone away for days, I promise you won't miss anything.

11. Break off that bad habit.

 Be it betting(gambling), phone addiction, pornography which leads to masturbation, reckless spending, lying, gluttony, inconsistent spiritual development, procrastination, etc.

Bad habits are like cancer, hiding it won't make them any better.

12. Habits need to be exposed so you can overcome them.

  You'll need to get an accountability partner.

 I can also help recommended someone for you. (let's talk)

13. Show gratitude and be grateful.

Nobody owes you anything. Not even a happy birthday wish. It's that serious, if they don't wish you happy birthday, wish yourself.

Cast and bind every entitlement mentality. 😆

14. Read through the Bible in 2019,

 At least the new testament. How are you a Christian if you haven't read through our textbook at least once.

 In Unizik prescience program, you can't excel if you haven't finished each textbook at least once. And there is a minimum of 4. How then do you want to excel in this faith if you don't know the contents of our textbook.

15. Learn a digital skill.

 Use your brain, be creative. God wouldn't have given you a brain if He never intended you use it.

If I could learn graphics designing, video editing etc then anybody, I repeat, anybody can learn and master anything. Yes! Just begin today.

Use YouTube my dear brethren, use YouTube. I can't overemphasize this!

16. Be brave (braveheart media agency)😂

Take well-calculated risks in life so you won't regret at old age.
Young people start now that you still have your parents, if you fail at least you'll fall back on them.

Be consistent. People tend to respect consistency and reward it.

17. Go through your jottings( quiet time notes) of 2018.

This word of the Lord should not depart from your mouth and mind. Meditate upon them.

Bonus point:
Always write down ideas the moment they come, that was even how I came about this.

 Use your data wisely this year.
Your data should not only be for watching comedy or downloading movies.

I'm I saying they are wrong, no, not totally.
I don't post comedy on my social media accounts, not because I don't like it, no, but because that's not why I subscribed.

Before you subscribe next, ask yourself, why I'm I subscribing.

Share if you are led. 😆


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